The Tara Hansen Foundation
The Tara Hansen Foundation's 1st Annual Octoberfest, An Event to Prevent
The Tara Hansen Foundation hosted its first Octoberfest, An Event to Prevent, on Saturday October 20, 2012 at Dive!, located in Sea Bright, NJ. Hosting more than 190 people, the event raised nearly $18,000. The majority of the proceeds will go to funding an inter-professional maternal health conference in conjunction with Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. In addition, the event helped raise awareness for maternal mortality in our community.
A special thank you to all of our sponsors listed below, guests and volunteers. Without you, none of this would have been possible.

Gold Sponsors
Lomurro, Davidson, Eastman & Munoz
The Hesse Companies
Silver Sponsors
Donna & Jerry McNamara
Current Rehabilitation
EvensonBest, LLC
Ferguson Enterprises
MDB Development Corp.
The Pandozzi Family
99'/00' Freehold Boro Field Hockey Team
Bronze Sponsors
CPL Partnership, LLC & BPM Engineering, LLC
East Freehold Medical Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Queenan & Family
Ritchie & Page Distributing CO, Inc.
Warncke Appraisal Group LLC
WGR Capital Management LLC
Wells Hill Partners, LTD and Anselmi Family
Zager Fuchs, PC
Micro Air, Inc.