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A Day At The Races With THF

Join us for a day of racing fun at the Shore's greatest stretch!

Tickets include a four hour open bar, buffet lunch, ticket drop auction and program for the day.

Festivities begin at 12PM on the Patio Terrace at Monmouth Park, Oceanport, NJ.

Tickets can be mailed in advance or picked up at Clubhouse Will Call.

All proceeds will go to the advancement of maternal health awareness.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.


Ticket sales will close on July 13 and cannot be purchased day of the event.

Tickets are nonrefundable.


*More than one of each sponsorship may be sold. This excludes the Race Sponsorship. All major credit cards, checks and cash accepted. Please make checks payable to the Tara Hansen Foundation.

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